My Dear Daughter Mary....
This is a letter from Ira Stratton to Mary Stratton Bradley dated June 21, 1942. The letter from Ira appears to be in response to a letter that he received from his daughter Mary Stratton Bradley.
I do not have in my possession the letter that Mary wrote to her father.
I have transcribed the letter just as Ira wrote it.
In 1942 Ira was 67 years old and his daughter Mary was 42 years old with 8 living children. The Sam mentioned in the letter was Mary's older brother and Ira's son, Sam Stratton.
June 21, 1942
My Dear daughter Mary I recived your card and I am aful sorry I could not get a card for allen this is a little town one store and a post office Well Mary its was a nice card and from a loveing daughter It seams so strange to hear from you well Mary how is your Hubbie and all of your Pretty Girls. did your oldest daughter make the grade this year in school. I cant think of their names if go to the Devil I forget a name aful quick How is my little girl oh Mary you have got a Pretty lot of girls How is allen making out Plenty of work I suppose. oh I would love to see you all. I am writing to sam today also
and I am going down to see him the forth of July I will start the 3. and stay till sunday night and I wished you and your Hubby and children could be their I would love to see you all again. as soon as I get through working on the town for the summer I will make you a day visit. I dont get no time to go no where when I am working they want you on the Job 9 Hours I never worked any Harder in my young days Than I have this summer we are building a 3 story town Barn all out of Brick a very nice Barn. 2 offices 7 large stalls For trucks and graders Roller- 2 shower Bath I think I will finish the last of July. then I will come down and give you all a blow out
Well mary love to all and kiss the girls for me-
give allen my Best
love and wishes
(written on the left side)
Give my Best love and wishes to your sons. and my Grand sons. I would love to see them and will some day
But you must not feel sad
For you have found me at last
So that isent so Bad
Bye Bye Love and Kisses xxxxxxxx
For all. god Bless you all.
Mary the war looks Kinder bad
dont it But we will win
From Dad Ira E Stratton
Box 185 , Oakdale, mass. Keys street
( on the side)
never mind the street Just the Box number
Mary Hear is a little token do what you want with it
Mary's daughter Kathleen Bradley Walker remembers visiting her grandfather when she was about 12 years old. It was a big occasion.
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