Blue Star Mothers

In 1942, as World War 11 (1) raged on a new organization was formed here in the United States. It was called "Blue Star Mothers". (2)  Any mother who had a son in the military could join. Each mother placed one  Blue Star in their  window for each child serving in the military. If you placed a Gold Star in your window it meant  your child had died in service to our country. Blue Star Mothers supported each other and often held parades. 

Blue Star in Window

Mary Bradley dressed for Parade with Pop Bradley


Mary Stratton Bradley
Ready for Parade

Parade for Blue Star Mothers

Mary Bradley's  three oldest sons Ralph, Allen and Alfred were in the military. 

1. Ralph Joseph Bradley (1920-1970) WW11 Army Veteran
2. Allen Edward Bradley (1921-1968)  Navy Sea Bees (3)
3. Alfred Francis Bradley (1924-1979)  Navy

Ralph Joseph Bradley

Ralph Joseph Bradley
Age 24 Born September 18,1920

Ralph Bradley
Drafted November 9, 1944
White, 5'6", 163 Pounds, Hazel Eyes, Black hair, Ruddy complexion
2 Tattoos on Right Arm

Mary Bradley, Nancy Bradley and Allen Bradley

Allen Edward Bradley
Age 20 Born December 6, 1921

White, 5' 7.5", 165 Pounds, Blue Eyes, Black Hair and Ruddy Complexion

Left to right (back) Marie Martucci (neighbor), Mary Bradley, Rita Bradley, Alfred Bradley (in uniform) Left to right (Front)Nancy Bradley, Kathleen Bradley, Jimmy Martucci (neighbor). Note on back of photo: "Alfred said everyone would think this was his family"

Alfred Francis Bradley
459 Plainfield St. Providence, RI
Age 18 born on 1/6/24
No Telephone
Mary Bradley of 459 Plainfield street- Next of Kin
Employed by Rheem Shipyard , Field's Point, Providence, RI

White, 5'8" 140 pounds, light complexion, blue eyes, brown hair
Scar on back of left hand
Drafted June 29, 1942
